

Mediation is now increasingly utilised by parties and their legal representatives to settle a matter or to narrow the issues. A mediator does not make a decision for the parties. The parties must come to an agreement.


Mediation is mandatory

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia has now mandated for parties to engage in mediation prior to commencing court proceedings.

As part of the pre-action procedures, parties and their legal representatives are required to try to resolve their matter.

A link to the brochures published in regard to pre-action procedures for parenting and property matters is provided in the information below.


Advantages of mediation

The advantages of mediating a dispute are:

  • Reducing legal costs by settling a matter early.
  • Early settlement of a matter results in a better relationship at the end of the day between parties. This is particularly important where parties have an ongoing relationship whether because of children or related business interests.
  • The matter is dealt with privately and not within the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
  • An independent mediator can be engaged jointly by the parties. This provides both parties with the opportunity to voice their views to a third party and feel that they are being heard.

Mediation can be used at any stage of a family law matter

Mediation can take the form of a round table discussion between both parties and a mediator without legal representation or the parties can choose to be legally represented.

At Evans Brandon Family Lawyers, we have a specific room available for joint mediation sessions. We also have separate meeting rooms for each party and their legal representative. This provides the ability to conduct a “shuttle mediation” if necessary. “Shuttle mediations” take place where there are issues of domestic violence or a high level of conflict between the parties. These rooms are provided at no charge to our clients.

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia now direct that parties attend a mediation prior to a matter being given a hearing date. The Courts advocate the benefits of mediation.


What does a mediator do?

A Mediator’s role is to:

  • Facilitate negotiations and keep the conversation going.
  • Ensure a level playing field.
  • Encourage compromise.
  • Provide options.

Mediation is a ‘without prejudice’ process and you cannot be forced to settle at mediation. If you do reach a resolution, an Agreement can be documented as either a Financial Agreement or Consent Orders.

You can choose to have the discussions between yourselves and the Mediator only, or with your legal representative present.

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia has now implemented a protocol know as ‘Pre-Action Procedures’. Parties are required to participate in Mediation prior to filing a Family Law application.

Compulsory Pre-filling Family Dispute Resolution

Pre-Action Procedure for Financial Cases

Pre-Action Procedure for Parenting Cases


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